
God of war ascension chapter 18
God of war ascension chapter 18

god of war ascension chapter 18
  1. God of war ascension chapter 18 manual#
  2. God of war ascension chapter 18 upgrade#
  3. God of war ascension chapter 18 full#

Square Square roll away Square x 3 then turn around towards the enemies and finish the combo because attacking them head on is stupid and finishing a combo seems to never happen. Why is it all I'm fighting is goat people? Then I'll get an occasional electric siren thing which takes a million years to kill because they dodge all your powerful attacks. I seem to block but I get knocked down, I roll away but still get hit by attacks that landed a mile away, either I suck at god of war all of sudden despite playing through all 5 games earlier in the month or there's something really wrong with the combat. I use only ice because it's the only thing that breaks their guard, which makes me jelly because I might as well not have a block button.

God of war ascension chapter 18 full#

Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, embue the blades of chaos with the power of these gods to do.NOTHING! They don't seem to do any damage to the enemies, Fire is good when your rage is full so the good ol s-s-t attack makes an explosion but that's about it, attacks seem to take too long to come out because there's always some goat asshole ready to jump on you and bring your rage down to 0.

god of war ascension chapter 18

You fight bugs for like the first 3 hours which take one grapple to kill but 5 regular hits to kill. It's all hidden behind this stupid rage meter which rarely gets full because Kratos is weak as shit and these goat men eat your attacks and then knock you across the arena.

God of war ascension chapter 18 upgrade#

I can't mash square and then end it with a triangle like I've been doing since 2005, even after I upgrade my weapons. They spoke of some lantern, then of some eyes, what the hell are they talking about? Will this be explained as I get farther in the game? 3 weeks earlier, 2 weeks later, 1 week earlier, what's the point of this?Ĭombat/Boss fights: Combat has taken a huge noise dive. This has to be the longest time in a god of war game between someone talking and action/platforming to be hours apart. I have to get rid of my nightmares.right? Get rid of the 'illusions(?)'.right? The narrative is non-existant. Story: I'm fighting a what? A hecontonkawhat? The fuck is that, what the hell are these furies things(I know the intro introduced them but if the first thing I'm doing is punching the shit out of one, it's not much of a introduction) Why am I chained up? WHAT IS GOING ON? I basically had this mindset all the way to.basically where I am at now, I have no clue what my goal is. Start up: This most likely may just be me but the main menu not being Kratos' face kinda bummed me out, as well as the 'creating profile' thing, what the hell is all that about? I later find out that there are no more save points, WHY? Why is everything fucking auto save now? I die, come back with full health, try the section again, I can't save right before every boss fight like I used to.does the chapter select take you right to the bosses?

god of war ascension chapter 18

God of war ascension chapter 18 manual#

Packaging: Disappointing, no manual and the in-lay cover art is the CONTROLLER? Early access to the last of us demo in 80 days.thanks. 2nd time posting in this thread but I haven't read anything here at all, so I don't know whats unique to me or whats a common problem. Note: I have not played any of the demos, I have not seen any trailers for the game, pure media blackout for me, everything here for me is fresh and I never seen any of it before outside of the E3 demo. Found Archimedes dead body before I had to go to sleep for school and I'll give my impressions thus far.

God of war ascension chapter 18